Back to School Cleaning Reset

It’s that time of year again! The summer is winding down and the kids are almost headed back to school. We imagine it has been a busy but exciting summer. If all the summer fun has taken a toll on your home, take some time for a reset before the school year gets into full swing. Good news: the back-to-school season is the perfect time to get this done. With the kids back in class, it’s easier to tackle summer clutter and bring a spotless touch back to your home. It’s also a great time to establish new cleaning habits and start a fresh cleaning routine. Whether you’re cleaning on your own or turning to home cleaning services such as ours, here are the keys to a successful back-to-school home cleaning…

Go Through Outgrown Clothes

New school year, means a fresh new look to match. If you’ve already gone clothes shopping for school, your kids closets and drawers contain new and old clothes. Take some time to examine every article of clothing with your kids. If it’s something they have outgrown or never wear, throw it out. It’s likely you could also cut back in your own closet. Doin this will allow you to cut back on laundry and save storage space for clothes that actually get used regularly.

Establish a Shoe Station

As the seasons progress, you will likely experience various forms of weather. It’s inevitable that dirt, mud, and other residues will cling to the shoes of everyone in the home. Take 30 minutes to establish a shoe station on the front and/or back porch where shoes are to be removed. You can even get creative and place a sign at your shoe station(s).

Designate Chore-Time (…and Make It Fun)

You’ll be surprised how willing the kids are to join in with chores when you make it a little exciting. First, designate a time when everyone will participate. This establishes a routine and gives everyone a better sense of overall organization and structure. Try making a list of everything that needs to be done. Write each chore on a piece of paper, slip it in a hat, and have participants draw chores. It’s always more fun when you play upbeat music in the background.

Get a Calendar

If you haven’t already, hang a magnetic dry-erase calendar in your kitchen to keep track of everyone’s activities. Have a different colored marker for each member of the family so you know who’s up to what at a glance. When you schedule dance lessons, basketball practice, or get notices about field trips and bake sales, add them to the calendar immediately. We also suggest getting a 12-month calendar to keep track of things happening in later months and transferring them to the dry-erase calendar.

The Homework Zone

Especially as they get older and get more homework, it’s so important for kids to have their own study area. If there’s a place in their bedroom for a desk, this would be the ideal spot. Otherwise, the family room, living room, or office (ideally a room without a television) also works. If the desk doesn’t have drawers or shelves, consider an organizer to sit on top of it. Lastly, if you have space, a bookcase is an excellent addition because it creates more storage with room to grow!

Nicole Gullatt